Saturday, May 3, 2008

Okay I am having trouble! My Head just won't compute and is all jumble up!

I admit I am having trouble! I am trying to understand and maybe it has been my different upbringing that is causing me trouble. Okay I am being told that Hannah Montanna is bad. That we shouldn't let our kids view anything she does because of one indescretion (which she apologized for). I have even been told that she is heading on the same path as Britney Spears (whom I have never heard apologize). My question why is she bad. She had pictures taken to be published in a magazine. To my knowledge most kids don't read Vanity Fair. It has an older audience than the teeny boppers. She took a picture with her Father and they are saying that it is incestious. If that is the case then my children are in serious trouble. They jump on their father, they play ball with their father. I have even seen teenage boys have more contact on the football field or the basketball court than she had with her father. To make an innocent picture filthy? Why? Because she looks more grown up and parents are now starting to realize that she is at an age where kids want to look more grown up? I think this whole thing is getting out of hand.

When do we over protect our children? When do you cross the line of being overprotective and not protective enough? Should we shield our children from everything until they turn 18. I am not understanding this concept.

Okay here is another question I am having trouble with. Jesus went out among the sinners and scum of the earth, right? We need to strive to be more like Jesus in our actions of love and to preach the word of the gospil everywhere. We are Christ Followers. Yet, we need to protect and shelter our children and prepare them for Jesus and to keep them pure to be in Jesus' good grace. That we shouldn't expose them to the dirt of society becuase this would make them unclean. Your friends should be other christians, all others should be acquaintances. Home school until they are 18 and then send them out into the world with those that you approve of.

This is a direct quote from the parental newsletter:

Life with little ones can leave parents in day-to-day survival mode.
Calendars and to-do lists are essential for navigating countless
appointments, chores, school activities, work obligations, and more.
Your immediate goals might range from potty-training a toddler to
planning your summer schedules. But what’s your ultimate goal as
parents? Are you merely trying to prepare kids for adulthood?

While children’s earthly future is definitely
important, our main focus must be children’s
eternal future. It can be hard to keep that in mind
with each day’s pressures and obligations. But
what really matters is making sure our children
spend eternity with Jesus. To do that:

and then it goes on how to schedule your Bible study time and to not overload your child, and how to preveiw all that children are exposed to. I agree with it. Except for the part about keeping our children shielded from it. I think they need to be taught that there is bad stuff in the world and that this is not how we act, that even though these people do the bad stuff we do not follow them, but we do show them love. We do not agree but that we love them and that we will show them the way. Isn't that what being a christ follower is all about? Not to mention a good parent? Where is the line of religous nut and abuser of children or sinner? Our church preaches that all of the desciples were sinners of some sort yet they served a purpose to Jesus in getting the word out. I have alot to think about. I will continue to struggle with my questions.

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