Saturday, April 12, 2008

My health

Since I have been diagnosed with Diabetes it seems my health is just silently falling apart. I am constantly worried that something new is going to come up. They say stress is a silent killer and that may be my problem. Let me tell you a little about my health. I have been anemic since basically the day I was born. I drained my mother of all her iron while she was pregnant with me and I have been low ever since. I used to constantly pass out because my iron kept getting so low. My mother never really took care of it and as a growing little girl it was always topsy turvy. It went up and it went down but my hemoglobin never seemed to get above a 10. Average I believe is supposed to be between 11 and 12. mine averages around 9.2 and it is not unusual for it be an 8 something. My blood pressure has always been good if a little on the low side. I was always under weight until I got pregnant and then I went over but I am not grossly over weight. I am 20 pounds or so over weight. But I was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes while pregnant with my last child. Only the diabetes didn't go away. I am now considered Type 2 Diabetic. Since this dianosis I have been working out and I hope to lose the weight. They say that if I can get my weight back down then there is a chance that I won't be diabetic anymore. I have been working out and watching my meals. The only thing is that I don't eat unhealthy. I have been seeing a diatician and my meals and what I am eating is fine. I am actually eating more as a diabetic than I did when I was just anemic. I am on 4 iron pills a day and 2 Metformin pills. My Cholesterol is not good. It is on the border of being bad. The one thing that I don't do that I probably should have started a long time before this is exercise. I take my vitamins every day. I just started exercising recently by taking a kickboxing class. Well I have to go my girls are in need of me.

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