Thursday, April 17, 2008

What does a person do?

I am so tired of people. First they tell me what to do and why! I listen decide what I want to do and then I will do it. Then they tell me I am wrong.

First scenario: My daughter Alexius was 3 this year I wanted to wait and hold her back a year until she was 4. (She turned 4 in October before the deadline so they accepted her at 3). But no everyone said that she had to go school because she was more than ready. She is already reading, she knows her colors and everything, she can write. I know all this because I am the one that sat with her day after day teaching her no one else did. So I listened to them and I enrolled her in school. I did it because I doubted myself as to whether she was ready mentally or not. Then the school tells me she is really young and that she is having a hard time and that I need to work with her more. We were already working with her so they just suggested that we do it differently okay no problem. Problem solved. Right? Wrong. I am now a bad mother because I forced my child to go to school before she was ready. They are so wrong. I am glad that I put her into school early because you know what she has excelled. She is one of the smartest kids there. And she is attending the second school in the county. They tell me I have to keep her in the private school next year but I have decide to go public with my little beauty. It will be less trauma. The private school only goes to 2nd grade and then she would have to go to public anyway. There really isn't any very good private schools in the area that actually keep up with state curriculum except for the pre schools. She is fine. I am tired of feeling second rate. When it comes to raising my children.

2nd Scenario:
My middle daughter can't hear. They told me that I was making this up that she was fine that she just didn't want to hear what I had to say. I watch my daughter read lips. I watch her not talk. I hear her sounds. I am the one that wakes up with her every night because she is screaming. I am the one that holds her while she crys for hours on end holding her ears because the medicine is not working. I am the one that has to force the medicine in her because she doesn;t want to take it. I am the one that takes her to the doctors and holds her while they examine her. She can't HEAR I AM TELLING YOU TWITS I know what is going on. Then they tell me that she has a chance of going deaf. Of course well why didn't it get caught sooner is what I am asked. I don't know. I did everything the doctors told me to do. I even had 3 different opinions when I figured it wasn't working the other way. Now she is going in for tubes in the ears. No big deal right? Wrong! I am wrong again. They should try drops in the ears, there is other meds out there. Well you know what people there is but this will take the pain away right away and this is what the doctors say is going to be the end result even if we do try to go those routes. He said why put her through pain longer than necessary. I agree. I signed the papers for the procedure. Then I was told to talk to the speach therapist and I did. I am going with there reccomendations. Isn't this what I am supposed to do? Of course not. I am pushing my daughter to much . She can't possibly learn all that like they say. I need to wait until she goes to school and they can teach her. Since I can't do it. I can do it but what's the point in specialists if you don't listen?

Moral of all this venting. Don't listen to those ney sayers and do what you think is best. Don't let them bother you and tell them to go suck a toillet.

Good luck to all of you in your endevers.

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