Monday, April 7, 2008

Wow what a world!

We have a fourth girl here today and she is just darling. We are currently eating lunch while I type this. We are having mac and cheese and pizza toast. I have been steadily cleaning this house and every time I turn around its a mess again. I don't know why I bother while they are still awake. I have picked up the same toys now 4 different times and I have made them pick them up about 10. They just dump them on the ground and then run. They aren't even playing with them. I can't wait to go to my kick boxing class tonight. Gene is home but is currently sleeping. The baby is sleeping but is getting ready to wake up, and the girls are getting ready for quiet time on the sofa in front of the TV after lunch. I let them lay on the sofa for quiet time when we have friends over because ususally its naps in the beds. But its not often they have a friend over so this is a treat. I am letting my hair grow out so that I can cut and send it to one of those places that makes wigs for cancer patients, but in the meantime it is getting on my nerves. It is heavy and causes me to have a headache. It's 15 inches in a pony tail right now but I still need a little more hair. I don't want to be bald or really short hair when they cut it off. I have been having fun with the girls this morning. We have painted little toes and fingers numerous colors. We have done our hair, we made pizza toast together, we have watched cartoons, ran up and down the stairs,played on the bikes and the scooters. It is time for a little break and some down time. I think I am going to get off here. Have fun today!

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